POS & Inventory System Software

POS & Inventory System Software with Mobile Apps, Call: +8809678800583

Best POS Software in Bangladesh

Point of Sale (POS software) is the system where your customers make payments for goods or services offered by your business. POS transactions can occur directly or online, and receipts are printed or generated electronically. Cloud-based POS systems are becoming increasingly popular among store owners in Bangladesh.

Update Tech Ltd one of the best software development companies in Bangladesh, provides highly secure Point of Sale – POS Software solutions. Update Tech Ltd POS software is very easy to use; so, you can manage your business very comfortably.

We offer the most competitive POS Software price in Bangladesh with easy setup and management. Therefore, grow your business with the help of our POS System from one store to many.

Update tech Ltd. Android App Development

Dynamic Dashboard

  • Total Purchase
  • Total Sales
  • Purchase Due
  • Invoice Due
  • Sales Last 30 Days Chart
  • Sales Current Financial Year
  • Purchase Payment Due
  • Product Stock Alert

Product Management

  • List Products/ Recipe
  • Add new Product
  • Product Print Labels
  • Product Variations
  • Selling Price Group
  • Product Units
  • Product Categories
  • Add Product Brands
  • Product Brand List

Quick POS (Sale)

  • All Sales Module
  • Add New Sale
  • List of POS
  • POS Module
  • Sales Drafts List
  • Sale Quotations List
  • Sell Return List
  • Discounts Setup

Purchase Management

  • List Purchases
  • Add New Purchase
  • List Purchase Return
  • Quick Purchase Module

Contacts Module

  • Add Suppliers
  • Suppliers List
  • Add Customer
  • Customer List
  • Customer Groups
  • Import Contacts

Expenses Module

  • List Expenses
  • Add Expenses
  • Expense Categories
  • Upload Expense Invoice

Setup Module

  • Add Users
  • Add Manager
  • Add Cashier
  • Add Counter
  • Tax Setup

Report Management

  • Profit / Loss Report
  • Purchase & Sale
  • Tax Report
  • Supplier & Customer Report
  • Customer Groups Report
  • Stock Report
  • Stock Adjustment Report
  • Items Report
  • Product Purchase Report
  • Product Sell Report
  • Purchase Payment Report
  • Expense Report
  • Register Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balance

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